MARGINS Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Released June 2005; Revised April 2007

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A post-doctoral appointment is a unique opportunity for a first-rate early-career scientist to solidify research skills, build a track record, establish peer relationships, and acquire professional self-confidence. Accordingly, the NSF-MARGINS Program provides support for post-doctoral researchers to conduct up to two years of multi-disciplinary research at United States higher education institutions. The intention is to encourage individuals typically within five years after award of their Ph.D. to diversify their expertise relative to that used in their thesis research.

The MARGINS Post-Doctoral Fellowship is designed so that recipients can choose the research environment most beneficial for their scientific development and that of the MARGINS Program. To this end, applicants are encouraged to establish a relationship with a proposed advisor well in advance of proposal submission.

Although awards must be held at U.S. institutions, there is no citizenship requirement and nationals of countries involved in the NSF-MARGINS Program (Costa Rica, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Papua New Guinea and Saudi Arabia) are encouraged to apply.

It is expected that candidates will write their own materials for submission, except where otherwise required. There is no fixed dollar amount for a post-doctoral proposal; rather, the budget should be for the candidate's direct work only and should be appropriate to the post-doctoral research project, including salary commensurate with the experience of the candidate, institutional standards and local cost of living.

MARGINS Post-Doctoral Fellowship proposals are subject to the same submission and review criteria as other proposals for MARGINS funding. Please refer to the MARGINS Program Announcement and NSF grant proposal guidelines for details. Submissions should state that the proposal is for a MARGINS Post-Doctoral Fellowship and must be submitted by the institution to which an award would be made. In addition to the standard NSF proposal requirements, please include: a short abstract of your dissertation research and planned publications (not to exceed one single-spaced page); any fellowships, scholarships, teaching, and other positions relevant to your field held since entering college/university; any academic honors you have received relevant to your major field of study; your native language and fluency in other languages; and a statement of your long-term career goals and (particularly for International fellowship candidates) the ways the MARGINS Fellowship will lead to development of long-term collaborative activities in MARGINS science.

The proposal should be supported by four (4) letters of reference sent directly to the Program Manager who is the NSF Coordinator for the MARGINS Program (Dr. Bilal Haq, MARGINS Fellowship References, National Science Foundation, National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230). It is anticipated that one of your referees will be your Ph.D. thesis adviser and another the sponsoring/collaborating scientist at the proposed host institution. The latter reference should state that your proposed mentor and institution are willing to host you and can accept the MARGINS fellowship award. The other referees should be faculty members or researchers with current knowledge of your academic and/or professional experience.


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MARGINS is an NSF funded program

The MARGINS Office is Hosted by Columbia University

Last updated Wednesday, June 16, 2010